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Random String, UUID and UDID

These are the parameters that can be frequently noticed when sending a request.

Random String

Random Seed, or Random String, is essentially just a string containing n (often 10) random alphanumeric characters. It is mainly sent as rs in requests.

Generating it is quite simple:

from random import choices
from string import ascii_letters, digits

CHARSET = ascii_letters + digits

EMPTY = str()

concat = EMPTY.join

def generate_random_string(length: int = LENGTH, charset: str = CHARSET) -> str:
    return concat(choices(charset, k=length))


UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier. It is sent as uuid in requests.

It can be randomly generated using uuid module:

from uuid import uuid4

def generate_uuid() -> str:
    return str(uuid4())


UDID is an abbreviation for Unique Device Identifier that is sent as udid in requests. It does not really have a defined format, but frequently has structure like S followed by digits, or it can be the same as user ID.

Generating UDID means merely generating a random integer:

from random import randrange as random_range

DEFAULT_STOP = 100_000_000

def generate_udid(
    prefix: str = PREFIX, start: int = DEFAULT_START, stop: int = DEFAULT_STOP
) -> str:
    return prefix + str(random_range(start, stop))